Dr. Theodorea Regina Berry

Theodorea Regina Berry, Ed.D.

Vice Provost and Dean
College of Undergraduate Studies


Academically Speaking Podcast

Email: theodorea.berry@ucf.edu



  • Latinx Curriculum Theorizing (Lexington Books, 2019)
  • Lead editor and contributing author of From Oppression to Grace: Women of Color and Their Dilemmas Within the Academy (Stylus Publishing, 2006)
  • States of Grace: Counterstories of a Black Woman in the Academy (Peter Lang, 2018).
  • Co-editor of The Evolving Significance of Race in Education:Living, Learning, and Teaching (with Sherick Hughes, Peter Lang, 2012). 


  • Review of Educational Research, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 
  • Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Race, Ethnicity, and Education
  • Journal of Educational Foundations
  • Urban Review


  • 2021 recipient of the William H. Watkins Award from the Society of Professors of Education for her work in theoretical scholar-activism in education.
  • 2014 Critics Choice Award from the American Educational Studies Association for her work as co-editor and contributing author of The Evolving Significance of Race: Living, Learning, and Teaching (2012, Peter Lang, with Sherick Hughes).
  • Inducted into the Professors of Curriculum Honorary Society in April 2016.
  • June 2016, Dr. Berry received the Derrick Bell Legacy Award from the Critical Race Studies in Education Association as a leading scholar in the field of critical race theory. 


  • Factotum, Professor of Curriculum Honorary Society (2018-2020)
  • Secretary of Division B (Curriculum) (2018-2020) for AERA
  • Founding senior co-editor of the International Journal of Curriculum and Social Justice
  • Incoming (2023-2026) Vice President for Division B (Curriculum) of the American Educational Research Association