Learning doesn’t just take place inside a classroom. The College of Undergraduate Studies offers you the chance to apply what you’re learning in your classes in real-life settings with High Impact Experiences (HIEs). Whether your passion is getting hands-on with research, service learning, and internships, your focus is on attending and presenting at conferences, or your dream is to join a study away travel program, HIEs can make your educational journey meaningful and a lot more exciting.

High Impact Experiences Stipend Program

The College of Undergraduate Studies’ (CUGS) High Impact Experiences (HIEs) Stipend Program can help provide you with the funding to participate in these amazing opportunities.

Student Eligibility

  • All CUGS majors (i.e., Interdisciplinary Studies, Environmental Studies, and Integrative General Studies)
  • Enrolled full- or part-time
  • 2.75 GPA or higher (UCF or cumulative)
  • Received faculty approval

Application Process

  • Identify an HIE in which you intend to participate
  • Discuss and obtain approval from a CUGS faculty member
  • Complete and submit the HIE Stipend Program Application


The amount of a stipend award will vary based on the HIE and related costs.

You should submit an HIE Stipend Program request form at least 60 days before the start of the experience.

Yes. Only CUGS faculty members can approve your stipend request.

Yes. Students are limited to one stipend award per academic year.

You are responsible for costs beyond the stipend award amount.

Your stipend will be deposited in your account with UCF’s Office of Student Financial Assistance. Be sure to confirm that accepting this stipend will not impact your financial aid. If you are unsure, contact UCF’s Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Study Away Opportunity

Study Away: 2025 Summer A

COURSE: IDS 4206-AW60 (Summer A 2025)

Many communities have been lost, stolen, removed, or marginalized. This semester-long study away course aims to research this reality.


You’ll be able to tell the story of a marginalized community in Washington, D.C., past and present, and gain an understanding of implications for the future. You’ll also earn three credit hours.


Open to ALL UCF undergraduates


2025 Summer Session A


$400 which covers lodging, transportation, and scheduled academic activities and site visits.

YouTube player

For more information contact Dr. Leah Gaines.

CUGS Showcase 2024

The College of Undergraduate Studies (CUGS) Showcase is an opportunity for our students to present their research and creative scholarship in poster format to the UCF and Central Florida communities.


April 24, 2024


Morgridge International Reading Center (MIRC) (UCF’s Main Campus)


  • Current CUGS students and alumni. Alumni are not eligible for scholarships.
  • Students can collaborate on poster presentations. Co-presenters can be non-CUGS students. In these instances, the CUGS student must be present at all times.
  • Students must email an electronic version of their poster to CUGS@ucf.edu by 11:59 p.m. on March 29, 2024. Be sure to include all presenters’ names, student ID numbers, and final exam schedules on April 24.
  • Presenters must attend their assigned one-hour poster session in its entirety. 

Students who are HIE Stipend recipients must participate in the upcoming CUGS Showcase. 

For more information on presentation categories and scholarship information, visit the CUGS Showcase webpage.