General Education Program (GEP)
To learn more about GEP, visit the UCF Catalog.
The purposes of the UCF General Education Program (GEP) are to introduce students to a broad range of human knowledge and intellectual pursuits, to equip them with the analytic and expressive skills required to engage in those pursuits, to develop their ability to think critically, and to prepare them for life-long learning. The GEP curriculum provides students with the intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic foundations necessary to make informed choices; to accept the responsibilities of working and living in a rapidly changing world; and to lead a productive and satisfying life.
Undergraduate students who have not completed requirements for the Associate of Arts degree and who desire to transfer to another Florida public university can have their transcripts indicate “General Education Requirements Met” upon written request, if they have completed UCF’s GEP requirements with a GPA of 2.0 or better. UCF will accept a similar statement on transcripts received from Florida College System institutions and universities in lieu of completion of the University’s General Education Program. Students enrolled in courses that use the “NC” grade must earn a grade of “C-” (1.75) or better.
GEP Worksheet
Download our GEP Worksheet as a a PDF in order to keep track of your progress.

Faculty Resources
Faculty, need more information regarding our General Education Program? Join the General Education Faculty Learning Community on webcourses@UCF.