The path to success in your chosen profession begins with learning to be successful in your academic program.  With this philosophy in mind, our retention and graduation efforts are geared toward ensuring that all students regardless of previous academic achievement find the right balance in the myriad of responsibilities they may have and possess the necessary skills to learn, synthesize, and apply knowledge.

For students who currently have below a 2.0 UCF GPA and are on academic probation, we require individualized guidance to get you moving back toward academic and personal success.  At least once per semester you’ll be required to meet with our Academic Success Coach.  Prior to this meeting please complete and return the Probation Appointment Preparation Form by scanning and emailing it to,  faxing it to 407-823-2028, or hand-delivering it at your scheduled meeting.

The Academic Probation university policy is outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Interdisciplinary Studies is appointment-based. Depending on the time of year, we may be able to schedule same-day appointments. We assist students either in-person or over the phone.

Prospective and current students may schedule an appointment by calling our office at 407-823-0144. If you prefer to make an appointment in person, we are located in Trevor Colbourn Hall, Suite 239. You may request an appointment (Note: this is a request, but does NOT schedule an appointment, it is merely a request) by filling out the Appointment Request Form.

We can only accept courses with grades of a “C” or better for our programs. Departments may offer a Special Topics course or there may be new course offerings that we have missed adding to our approved course list. If you are interested in taking a course that is not in the undergraduate catalog or approved course list, please consult with an academic success coach prior to registration.

Students wishing to petition or have math courses evaluated must submit their request through the College of Sciences Evaluation Form.

Courses include: college algebra, finite math, explorations in math, calculus, and statistics

For students who have not earned an AA degree or GERM (General Education Requirements Met) stamp from a Florida public community, state college, or university, will be required to complete UCF’s General Education Requirements – 36 hours of specific coursework, including State Core, and Gordon Rule Requirements.

Students who have attended a private or out-of-state institution may petition General Education, Gordon Rule, and/or foreign language courses for equivalency.

Interdisciplinary Studies advises for the Environmental Studies, Leadership Studies, and World Comparative Studies Minors.

We also advise for the Leadership Studies and Cultural Tourism certificates. Advising for the GIS Certificate is handled by Dr. Timothy Hawthorne in the Sociology Department. Advising for the Service-Learning Certificate is handled by Experiential Learning.

For all other declared minors and certificates, please visit the department that houses the minor.

Florida Public Institution

College of Undergraduate Studies students wishing to attend another Florida public institution (state college or university) are required to complete an electronic transient form through Florida Virtual Campus. Please refer to the Registrar’s Office website for additional information.

Electronic transient forms are usually processed by the college within 48 — 72 hours of submission.

Students planning on using any transient course for their major or minor must verify with their major or minor academic success coach that the transient course will count toward the requirements. NOTE: It is against university policy to be transient in the graduating term.

For questions, please visit the Florida Virtual Campus Help Center website for more information.

Florida Private or Out-of-State Institution

College of Undergraduate Studies students wishing to attend a non-Florida or private institution must complete a paper transient form.  Students should schedule an appointment with an IDS academic success coach for information on completing a paper transient form. Students considering taking courses transient at an out-of-state or international institution should contact an IDS academic success coach immediately.

Students who have been approved to take classes at another institution while attending UCF might have those hours counted toward meeting financial aid requirements for some programs at UCF.

If you have questions regarding the submission of transient requests, please schedule an appointment to discuss with an IDS academic success coach.

Financial Aid Information

Transient enrollment will not meet eligibility criteria for institutional aid programs, such as UCF Grant, UCF Scholars Award or Pegasus Scholarships. Courses taken elsewhere must meet some major or general education requirements to be calculated as part of student aid eligibility. All of the following documents must be submitted to the Office of Student Financial Assistance on or before the withdrawal deadline of the term in which aid is to be disbursed:

  1. Transient Form for Financial Aid;
  2. Approved Advisor Authorization Form obtained from or Transient Student Approval Form with all required signatures;
  3. A copy of the fee invoice and class schedule from other institution confirming that the classes and hours enrolled match the Transient Form for Financial Aid; and
  4. A completed Consortium Agreement Form signed by the financial aid office of the transient school.

Transient enrolled students must make arrangements to pay tuition and fees at the visited school since there is no system for deferral of those tuition and fees. In addition, it is the student’s responsibility to insure that the visited school promptly provides the UCF Registrar’s Office with academic transcripts at the conclusion of the term, confirming that the attempted hours are completed. This will help avoid academic progress problems.

Students who expect to receive funds under any of the federal loan programs must enroll for a minimum of six undergraduate hours at UCF in UCF classes to meet eligibility requirements. Students may not receive financial aid from two institutions at the same time. Students must decide which of the two institutions is the primary school at which they are degree seeking and apply for aid there. Any inaccuracy will result in a mandatory repayment to one of the two schools for the overpayment.

If you have questions regarding Financial Aid, please contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance.

Depending on your degree, our office may be able to utilize your transfer credits for the IDS Areas, Diversity Studies restricted electives, or Environmental Studies degree. We can only evaluate credits for admitted students. In most cases, out-of-state, international, and private institution transfer credits will be evaluated for equivalency. Students are required to submit course descriptions and or syllabi from the institution in the year they took the course. Petitions are reviewed by the Interdisciplinary Studies Director and may take up to 7-10 business days. Our office does not evaluate General Education and Foreign Language courses for equivalency—this is done through Academic Services.

If students are wanting to petition course(s) that serve as a prerequisite for others, we may refer the student to the department that teaches the course for an evaluation. This is particularly true for math, anatomy, physiology, physics, biology, and chemistry courses.

The majority of the courses that students take with our degrees, minors, and certificates are housed in other departments and colleges. Therefore, the IDS program cannot grant overrides to students for courses that are not taught through Interdisciplinary Studies/College of Undergraduate Studies.

Students are required to satisfy the prerequisite(s) for courses wish to enroll in. Some courses are restricted to students within a particular major, minor, or certificate. If a student receives a prerequisite error during the enrollment process, contact the academic department that offers the course and ask about their override policies and procedures. Some colleges and departments may give preference to students in their programs and may decline your override request.

The following courses are taught through the College of Undergraduate Studies – Interdisciplinary Studies: IDS 3933, IDS 4934, IDS 3150, IDS 4893, LDR 3115, IDS 4939, IDS 3333, LDR 2001, LDR 2002, GIS 3043C, and GIS 4301C.

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