As you may be aware, the university evaluates all general education courses twice a year to measure student attainment of specific learning objectives, to foster a culture of continual improvement, and to remain in compliance with our accrediting bodies. We are entering the Fall 2023 evaluation cycle and are asking all faculty members teaching GEP courses this semester to participate.
MANDATORY: Every faculty member (full-time and part-time) that teaches any GEP course is required to participate in the assessment process before the UCF withdrawal deadline on October 27. Each instructor will assess every GEP section they teach, measuring at least one foundational Learning Outcome per course. Non-GEP courses do not need to be assessed.
PROCESS: The process can be divided into five easy steps:
Step 1: Determine the primary foundation into which your course falls. Review this chart to find your course. The large heading is your primary foundation. For instance, AMH2020 can be found in Interpretation & Evaluation.
Step 2: Add your foundation’s learning outcomes (version 2!) to your course.
Step 3: Choose ONE learning outcome from Step 2 that you wish you measure, and the COMPLETED assignment in your course with which you choose to measure it.
Step 4: Add the GEP rubric for that learning outcome to the chosen assignment.
Step 5: Use Speedgrader to record a rubric score based on each student’s grade for that assignment. If your class has <50 students, record scores for all. If your class has >50 students, randomly select 50 to record.
RESOURCES: Each of the above steps are explained in detail, in both print and video format, within the General Education Faculty Learning Community Canvas course. This repository provides many resources, such as the Foundation Learning Outcomes for every GEP course, contact information, GEP- and Foundation-specific branding items, GEP teaching tips, and much more. All faculty teaching any GEP course should be enrolled in this community. If you haven’t yet enrolled, please do so right away by clicking the link and requesting access.
SUPPORT: For questions about the process, please contact one of your foundation’s Faculty Co-Leads:
Foundation | Faculty Co-Lead | |
Communication | Nikolas Gardiakos | nikolas.gardiakos@ucf.edu |
Communication | Adam Parrish | adam.parrish@ucf.edu |
Cultural Interactions | Stacey DiLiberto | stacey.diliberto@ucf.edu |
Cultural Interactions | Alicia Duffy | alicia.duffy@ucf.edu |
Interpretation & Evaluation | Nora Underwood-Caputo | nunderwood@ucf.edu |
Interpretation & Evaluation | Lana Williams | lana.williams@ucf.edu |
Knowledge Application | Bo Chen | bo.chen@ucf.edu |
Knowledge Application | Donovan Dixon | donovan.dixon@ucf.edu |
Problem Solving | Rachid Ait Maalem Lahcen | rachid@ucf.edu |
Problem Solving | Lori Dunlop-Pyle | lori.dunlop-pyle@ucf.edu |
If you are unsure which foundation your course falls into or you have additional questions, please email GEP@ucf.edu or the Assessment Faculty Fellow, Annabelle.conroy@ucf.edu. We are here to help!