By Wayne Bowen, Ph.D.
Interim Associate Dean
College of Undergraduate Studies
Work continues to implement the general education elements of SB 266. I want to highlight two items that will impact UCF.
Potentially Replacing Sociology with American History
The Florida Board of Governors (BOG) and Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) convened faculty committees from state universities and colleges to review the core curriculum courses in the statewide general education offerings. At UCF, we call and label these as “black diamond” courses, required for students in most circumstances.
The BOG accepted recommendations from statewide faculty committees regarding general education courses, except for Introduction to Sociology. They are proposing removing the sociology survey from the core GEP options. They also recommended shifting American History I to the Social Sciences core area. We expect their final decision by the end of January.
To learn about the general education course review process, visit the State University System of Florida’s website.
Upcoming General Education Program Review
State University System (SUS) and Florida College System (FCS) institutions will soon have to review their general education programs to identify which courses meet the criteria of SB 266 and can continue to be part of the curriculum.
Some of our fellow SUS institutions have more than 1,000 courses in their general education programs; UCF has fewer than 75, making this task less daunting. We must complete the review by the end of this academic year. Department chairs and GEP coordinators will receive additional guidance as soon as UCF receives the final regulations and processes from the state.
Thank you in advance to departments, colleges, and members of faculty senate committees, including GURC and UPCC, who will likely be involved in this accelerated review process.