Academic Success Coaching

Did you know? Advising at UCF is now called Academic Success Coaching. Learn what this means for you here.

Regardless of the degree that is chosen, it is critical that students work closely with a College of Undergraduate Studies – Interdisciplinary Studies academic success coach each semester. These full-time academic and career advisors assist students with their myriad of questions, concerns, and opportunities each step of the way from declaration through graduation. Academic success coaches provide guidance on class scheduling, getting involved with undergraduate research, finding internships, post-baccalaureate goals, careers, and discussing university policies and procedures. Our office is appointment-based and academic success coaches are able to assist students in-person, over the phone (407-823-0144), and through videoconferencing via Zoom.

Our Academic Success Coaches are here for you

Our academic success coaches help guide you through the curriculum while highlighting valuable co-curricular opportunities so that you earn a degree that is of greatest possible value to you in the most reasonable amount of time. While the academic success coaches provide guidance and recommendations, the final decision on, and responsibility for your academic career rests on your shoulders.

One other thing to remember is to remain courteous and respectful. Rudeness, harshness, abusiveness, raising your voice, etc., may result in your loss of access to advising. Extreme cases will result in disciplinary action.

Declaring one of our Majors, Minors, or Certificates

Students interested in the Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies are required to meet with an academic success coach in order to declare their major. Students may submit a major change request via their myUCF portal for the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor’s of Sustainability, Bachelor’s of Leadership, and Bachelor of General Studies in Integrative General Studies. Major change requests for the Integrative General Studies program will be approved once eligibility requirements are verified. Students may also declare a College of Undergraduate Studies – Interdisciplinary Studies minor or certificate via their myUCF portal.

Student who are requesting to meet with a academic success coach to declare one of our majors will receive access to an informative Webcourse that will explain our degree programs and help you to choose your individualized plan of study. Students will need to review all the information contained within the Webcourse and complete the required assessments in advance of their meeting with an academic success coach to ensure that an informed decision is made at the time of major declaration. The academic success coach will make course recommendations, discuss university graduation requirements, and provide a timeline for graduation based on your personal interests and career goals. It is recommended that you meet with an academic success coach at least once a semester for as long as you are majoring in one of our programs. We greatly look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

It is important and helpful to note that since students are required to complete a hardcopy major declaration form, it can take 5-7 business days before a student’s major is officially changed and reflects on their myKnight Degree Audit.

Schedule an Appointment with myKnight STAR

If you have declared one of our majors, we invite you to schedule an appointment to meet with one of our academic success coaches at a time that’s convenient for you! Review availability and schedule appointments by visiting the myKnight STAR webpage or by accessing the the myKnight STAR app. Check out the appointment scheduling guide to get started.

myKnight STAR graphic

myKnight STAR, Powered by Navigate Student

Access the myKnight STAR app for scheduling appointments, exploring majors forming study groups via Study Buddies, requesting assistance via Hand Raise, and quickly accessing other campus resources. The app is available from the App Store or Google Play (search for “Navigate Student”). Additional app features will be added in Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

Check out the guides below for additional support:

Advising for Majors, Minors, and Certificates

The Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies has two required courses, IDS 3933 – Cornerstone Experience, and IDS 4934 – Capstone Experience. IDS 3933 should be taken your first full semester in the major, and IDS 4934 must be taken in your graduating semester. The prerequisite for IDS 3933 is ENC 1102 and being officially declared into the major. The prerequisite for IDS 4934 is IDS 3933 with a “C” or better and filing your Intent to Graduate via your myUCF portal.

In these two required courses, students learn to use the interdisciplinary process to address complex real-world issues across a range of contexts, issues that cannot be solved through a single disciplinary approach. In these courses, students learn that while disciplinary specialization can focus on one facet of an issue, an interdisciplinary approach provides multiple perspectives from multiple disciplines to produce innovative new solutions to issues.

The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) in Integrative General Studies has a uniquely flexible curriculum and features two required courses in the major, LDR 3115 – Contemporary Issues in Leadership, and IDS 4939 – Senior Seminar (General Studies Capstone).

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Sustainability, and the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Leadership degrees have more prescriptive curricula. For more information on required courses, please visit the programs’ webpages.