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The What’s Next Quality Enhancement Plan officially ended on May 8, 2021. Students with questions about Knights of Distinctions should email

Completing your undergraduate degree is a major milestone in every student’s life, but are you prepared for what’s next? We’re here to help you connect these opportunities to chart your own path to success.

The QEP provides faculty and staff workshops, resources, and funding opportunities that address the QEP’s theme, What’s Next: Integrative Learning for Professional and Civic Preparation, and that seek to improve undergraduate student learning at UCF.

What’s Next highlights UCF alumni who engaged in integrative learning while they were UCF students by making connections between their coursework, their civic lives, and their professional careers.

What’s Next QEP: Final Update and Thank You!

Dear Colleagues, What’s Next officially shutters on May 8th. It’s hard to believe it’s been five years already! Our primary task in this final year of What’s Next has been to write the “QEP Impact Report” for inclusion in the university’s Fifth-Year Interim Report to SACSCOC, and in performing that retrospective task, I am truly … What’s Next QEP: Final Update and Thank You! Read More »

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Recent Announcements:

Recent Announcements:

Male student with an animal


in undergraduate scholarships awarded to students who demonstrate excellence in integrative learning.

Female asking an question at a forum
Faculty & Staff Awards


in funding awarded to faculty and staff projects seeking to improve student learning at UCF.

College Support


in seed funds awarded to help colleges ensure every UCF undergraduate will graduate with a high-impact signature experience in the major.