Learn all the steps needed to file a grade appeal by downloading our PDF guide to the Grade Appeal Process.

In addition, you may also choose to read UCF’s Grade Appeal Regulation (5.016).

Please use the form below if you have exhausted Step One of the process (consultation with your course instructor) and wish to pursue Step Two (appeal to the chair of the department or director of the school that offers the course).

Undergraduate Students

Click the button to download the
Undergraduate Grade Appeal Form.

If you are an undergraduate student, please submit all grade appeals and relevant information to gradeappeals@ucf.edu.  Upon verification that you have submitted a valid appeal, your information will be forwarded to the appropriate department chair.

Graduate Students

Click the button to fill out the
online Graduate Appeals Form.

If you are a graduate student, use the link to the online form. You will receive a follow-up email from the College of Graduate Studies via gradappeals@ucf.edu.


For more information on the grade appeals process, visit the UCF Golden Rule website and download the Golden Rule Student Handbook.