Welcome to the Fall semester! We spent the summer reflecting on the progress of the General Education Program (GEP), identifying opportunities to build upon all we’ve accomplished, and developing ways to strengthen our sense of community and shared purpose.
A top priority for this year is to facilitate the exchange of innovative teaching strategies, research ideas, and interdisciplinary learning approaches. There will be more opportunities to get together and an increased emphasis on expanding the support available to all GEP faculty, including our graduate teaching assistants.
Maintaining open lines of communication is important. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there are specific areas where you need assistance or if you have ideas on how we can better support one another. We are confident that we can make this year one of growth, innovation, and success for our faculty and students.
Thank you, as always, for your dedication to the GEP and our students. Be on the lookout for September’s newsletter, which will include events and assessment information. And if you’re not already a member, be sure to join the GEP Faculty Learning Community on Webcourses.
We look forward to the great work we will accomplish together this year.
Best regards,
Dr. Wayne Bowen, Associate Dean, College of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Annabelle Conroy, Faculty Fellow
Dr. Amanda Pacheco, Instructional Specialist
For more articles, visit the GEP Newsletter Archive page.