By Annabelle Conroy, Ph.D.
GEP Faculty Fellow

I want to, once again, thank everyone who participated in the GEP assessment process in the fall. Your help is crucial in ensuring we have enough data to assess the program and go forward in the accreditation process.
This term, we will continue with the GEP assessment process by asking each faculty member teaching a GEP course to design an assignment to measure at least one of the respective foundation’s learning outcomes. Please keep in mind that the GEP assessment deadline is UCF’s withdrawal deadline on Friday, March 29, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. You can complete your assessment before this deadline.
Your GEP assessment can have the format that is most appropriate for your class. If you use a quiz to do the assessment, it might be a good time to switch to the New Quiz tool. Eventually, the New Quiz tool will be the only option for quizzes, so it is best to start the process of switching over now.
If you had a GEP assessment last term and you copied your course to this term, you may use the same assessment. If you are teaching a GEP course for the first time, please visit the General Education Faculty Learning Community for instructions on how to assess a course. Let me know if you need further assistance.
In addition, we will have several drop-in virtual help sessions for those who have questions or need help setting up an assignment. The schedule is below.
During the spring semester, the GEP assessment task force will meet to evaluate the assessment results and the process. If you are interested in participating in the task force, please let me know.
If you have any questions, please email me or the GEP mailbox.