Materials and Supplies fees are associated with permanent, individual courses (not special topics). Florida statutes specify this fee is to “offset the cost of materials or supplies that are consumed in the course of the student's instructional activities, excluding the cost of equipment replacement, repairs, and maintenance.” Thus, they must be used for expendable or consumable items (lab or course supplies, handouts, examination forms) but cannot be used for personnel services or equipment
purchase or rental. Currently, expenditures for tests and syllabi are not approved by the Provost. All requests must be input and approved by the colleges in the CatalogDB to meet published deadlines of the UCRC and the Graduate Council. Approved fees become effective in the following Fall semester. List the actual costs needed for the course, even if they exceed the current maximum of $70. Itemize costs on either a per-student or per-class basis. If approved, departments must maintain detailed accounting of all expenditures and be prepared to present evidence on how the funds were expended on this course in the event of an audit. Forward completed form to your
Dean’s office for input into the CatalogDB.