By Annabelle Conroy, Ph.D.
GEP Faculty Fellow
It is hard to believe that we are in October already! That means that the GEP assessment deadline of Friday, October 27, is right around the corner. As you know, we are required to assess UCF’s GEP program not only for our internal needs but also for external accreditation.
We are asking GEP faculty to help us in the data-collection process by including at least one assignment measuring at least one of the GEP learning outcomes in their respective foundation.
The “Assessing the GEP at UCF” module in the GEP Faculty Learning Community has how-to resources, including instruction guides and video tutorials. We will be Zoom consultation sessions for faculty members who need assistance in the assessment process.
We want to thank the faculty who participated in last year’s assessment process. I am glad to report that in the 2022-23 academic year, the GEP faculty significantly increased participation, increasing from 29 percent of sections reporting in the fall to 49.2 percent in the spring! It is an amazing accomplishment, and it illustrates your strong commitment to the GEP program’s success.
The GEP Assessment Task Force will be convening soon to continue this work. If you are interested in being part of this group, please let me know.
As always, if you have any questions, please email me or the GEP Instructional Specialist, Amanda Pacheco at gep@ucf.edu.